Tuesday, July 28, 2020

The dreaded compensation conversation When is it time to suck it up regarding salary - Hallie Crawford

The dreaded compensation conversation When is it time to suck it up regarding salary - Hallie Crawford I was excited to be interviewed for a recent article about the compensation conversation. I always get questions about compensation from my clients who are in career transition and wanting to know for their career planning purposes â€" Am I going to have to take a cut in salary to move into my dream job? First, a couple of notes about discussing compensation during the interview process. I spoke with a career coaching client, Ben in California, about it recently: When should you bring it up?  Certainly not in the first conversation, and not in the first interview unless they bring it up. You need to see how the process unfolds. If they talk benefits in the first conversation, and dont mention salary specifically, you can mention it at that time. If youre talking to a first round screening person over the phone for example, it’s not appropriate to mention it then. General rule of thumb is wait until they are closer to offering you the position. Do your homework and look on salary.com, indeed.com and glassdoor.com to get a sense of the range it should be for the position you’re looking at. The better prepared you are, the better case you can make for the higher salary you feel you are worth. What if the offer or range is lower than you expected? Also do your homework by conducting informational interviews with people in the industry so you have an accurate sense of what’s expected and aren’t caught completely off guard. If the salary is lower than you expected, say thank you and go back and think about whether its worth it to you to take that salary. For example, is this career change worth it, and could this job be a stepping stone to something else? If it is, then it may be worth considering a lower salary as long as it will still take care of you financially. Some people will take a lower paying job in order to transition into another industry, and its worth it for them to get their foot in the door. Sometimes taking a job with a slightly lower salary is a strategic career move depending on your situation and long term goals. It’s all an important part of career planning â€" What is my next move, and will this move get me to where I want to go? Remember, you’re not always completely stuck with what they offer. They may offer you a lower salary but you could negotiate for a performance review in 6 months with a potential raise for example. If you want the job, talk to them. Hallie Crawford Atlanta Career Coach P.S. How do you know if your resume is good?  Take this  Resume Quiz  to find out how to keep your resume out of the trash can. Please Share This

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Should You Leave When Youre Unhappy With Your Career

Should You Leave When Youre Unhappy With Your Career In my ongoing on the web ace class for Ivy Exec I was posed a ton of incredible inquiries, and four of them can be summed up in the single inquiry that I need to reply here: Is leaving ever an answer for a mid-vocation droop, or when you're discontent with your profession? All things considered, my response to that is: indeed, under the accompanying conditions, and given that you've put forth attempts to make it work where you are. Along these lines, here are three conditions under which I believe it's sensible to think about leaving. First is the point at which you have no place further to advance where you are; you've have bested out as far as advancements, you're not learning and developing and building up any more, and perhaps you, or the association have changed to such an extent that your desires not, at this point fit with the objectives of the organization, or the other way around. The subsequent situation is you may be in a poisonous domain, one that is actually draining the existence directly out of you. That can effectsly affect your disposition, your outlook, your certainty and even your wellbeing, and those are exceedingly significant things to safeguard. Just on this I'd prefer to make a proviso to state that, simply ensure that it's not your disposition that is adding to a portion of these issues. The explanation I state that is, on the off chance that you choose to leave and it is your mentality, at that point that will go with you and nothing will change. So simply consider that. The third is a positive explanation. That is the point at which you've discovered something, or it has discovered you, that is obviously a superior open door than the one you right now have, and that it isn't replicable where you are. Best suggestion Presently, before you settle on an official choice on leaving, I need to impart to you the absolute best recommendation I've jumped regarding this matter, and that was from my companion, Liz. Presently, I was regularly considering stopping, absolutely in the initial nine or ten years of my vocation, and unquestionably in that troublesome center part. What Liz said to me was â€" and Liz was a year or two in front of me â€" she stated, May, you are not permitted to stop until you have attempted to make it chip away at your own terms, and found that that was unrealistic. That was a revelation for me. Initially, I'd never contemplated what my own terms would be, so I needed to stop and consider that. I wound up having some extremely incredible discussions with my better half, and the individuals that I worked for. I learned things about what their desires were, the manner by which they saw my profession openings and choices, and I additionally got the opportunity to impart to them my yearnings, and what my needs and needs would be. In that procedure I likewise found that it's not continually going to be given to me on a plate. Now and then, I have to make my own choices, and that implied things like searching for approaches to build the pie in the business; perhaps it's about items and administrations that can be offered to or imparted to customers that we hadn't secured previously, or the other way around. I additionally discovered that it was tied in with coming to remotely to build the perceivability and the notoriety, of my gathering and the firm, yet in addition myself. So it was a success win-win circumstance all around. The Bottom Line So the primary concern is, indeed, you can leave â€" you generally have that alternative â€" and here and there it's even the best choice. In any case, before you do anything rushed, you deserve to get your work done, settle on educated and cognizant choices, and give yourself that endowment of perceiving how you can make it take a shot at your own terms before you make some other strides. Presently, I'm interested, I wonder what your musings are, and what your recommendation is on the troublesome inquiry of, Would it be a good idea for me to remain, or would it be a good idea for me to go?.

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

The Challenge of Seeking Challenge

The Challenge of Seeking Challenge I as of late read an article by a very much regarded writer on what she alludes to as The Velvet Coffin. She characterizes this as the lack of concern that makes one stay at an occupation that is agreeable, yet without challenge. In case you're in this circumstance, your activity holds barely any astonishments â€" you comprehend what's in store every day and can put yourself on auto-pilot and complete your work with negligible pressure and exertion. The pay is satisfactory, your colleagues are friendly, and it's far simpler to fall into an anticipated daily practice than to leave your usual range of familiarity and pursue down difficulties and new open doors that carry with them various vulnerabilities. This, as indicated by the creator, is the point at which you begin biting the dust a little every day. While surrendering your commonplace occupation and searching out test and incitement might be the run of the mill standpoint of a hopeful determined worker, I see a few issues with this perspective. I'm mindful that these would all be able to be discussed, particularly by somebody who has gone out on a limb an into another and testing profession and rose happier. Be that as it may, I see myself as neither a hopeful person nor a worrier, yet rather a pragmatist â€" and accordingly, here are my issues with this perspective. A Bird in the Hand The principal thing you should do before escaping is to gauge the constants with the factors. Do you have employer stability at your present place of employment? Assuming this is the case, that is a steady. Will you at the new position? On the off chance that the appropriate response is no, or you don't have the foggiest idea, that is a variable. Will you get a pay increment in your new position? On the off chance that truly, that is a steady. Will the work unquestionably be additionally testing, or will you become familiar with your new job, at that point keep on doing it all day every day as you do with your present job? Do you know without a doubt on the off chance that you will coexist with your chief and your colleagues? Will you have a decent work/life balance? In the event that the response to these inquiries is something besides indeed, at that point these are factors. You should then inquire as to whether you're willing to exchange your present place of employment for one that may contain various factors. Continually learning and being tested are significant in a vocation, however they should be weighed with various different elements. On the off chance that you acknowledge a place that is testing, however in the process surrender professional stability, work/life balance, brotherhood with associates and a decent working relationship with your director, you will in all probability think twice about it. Persistence Is a Virtue Astonishing as this may sound, each activity I've at any point had included brief periods where I didn't feel tested. It's just common that organizations and professions experience a back and forth movement that incorporates times of vacation where difficulties don't come consistently. Be that as it may, escaping each time you don't feel tested isn't just careless, however will in the end name you a vocation container. Rather, think about these alternatives. Endure It Here's another disclosure â€" while each activity I've had may have included brief periods without challenge, had I left each time it occurred, I would have passed up the best chances and achievements of my profession. Because you don't feel tested currently doesn't mean you won't a month from now. The inquiry you should answer is whether your absence of challenge is transitory, and the appropriate response shouldn't be hurried. Timetable a gathering with your director and reveal to them your interests. There might be changes directly around the bend that you aren't yet mindful of. If not, making your supervisor mindful of your disappointment might be only the force they have to toss more test and duty your way. I would say, each professional success has in every case left me saying, Thank heavens I didn't leave. Roll out Your Own Improvement In the event that you don't feel tested in your present position, it might be dependent upon you to roll out an improvement inside the organization. Plunk down with your administrator and guide out an arrangement. Maybe you can assume on greater liability, start preparing for another job, move in the direction of gaining an accreditation or even an advanced education. Your chief may invite your enthusiasm for growing your points of view â€" something another administrator at another organization may not be available to. For a few, leaving one occupation to begin another carries with it new difficulties, however better chances, better advantages, a superior compensation, and regularly a genuinely necessary difference in view. Be that as it may, leaving a vocation simply because you no longer feel tested can prompt lament. I can't start to consider what number of colleagues I've seen leave for better openings, just to see them return, or attempt to restore, a couple of months after the fact. In the event that you genuinely feel exhausted at your present place of employment and that you don't have anything left to learn, at that point it might be an ideal opportunity to proceed onward. Simply ensure that your new job can give what you're expecting, and that you won't end up in a similar circumstance or more terrible inside a couple of months at the new organization. Additionally, be certain you investigate each open door at your present place of employment before leaving, since circumstance lies everyw here… and regularly when you wouldn't dare hoping anymore.

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

5 ways to get your office to be healthier

5 different ways to persuade your office to be more beneficial 5 different ways to persuade your office to be more beneficial Solid associate companionships can majorly affect your life. They make you more joyful and progressively satisfied when you're logging those extended periods of time between 9 a.m. what's more, 6 p.m., however they can likewise affect your decisions - and some can even add a couple of creeps to your waistline.In actuality, enrolled dietitian and nourishment master Bridget Swinney, MS, RD says some new representatives can hope to increase five pounds inside their initial scarcely any months at a new position - or more.Without resolve, it tends to be tremendous. That is on the grounds that some staff work extended periods and go to nourishment for stress alleviation or to remain alert. Others must depend on cheap food for lunch and don't generally pick the solid choices peer pressure is normal in grown-up dietary pattern, she says. Working conditions are frequently loaded up with undesirable food - like treats, pop tarts, café, treats, frozen yogurt and chips. Lousy nourishment is mod est, so makes it appealing.But in the event that you need to turn your propensities around - and perhaps urge your associates to do likewise - here are a few deceives and tips on improving the wellbeing of your office:Limit the birthday desserts to one major gathering a monthWhile an all inclusive move that permits laborers to remove their birthday without relinquishing took care of time would be a much needed development, more than likely, you'll work a lot of birthday events during your residency. Furthermore, in case you will need to go to gatherings, answer messages, send reports and hold meetings to generate new ideas on your once-a-year festivity, you certainly acknowledge when your supervisor recognizes your lap around the sun. However, sure, a cupcake or a cut of cake on your birthday is certainly supported, in the event that you have a few of these festivals consistently, Swinney says they can indicate weight increase, poor glucose control and even high cholesterol.To cure the allurement of eating up unending sugar-sweet bites, Swinney proposes facilitating a once-a-month birthday festivity for representatives, and giving out a card on their particular day. Or then again blossoms or a container of liquor they can bring home. Along these lines, you're despite everything causing them to feel exceptional, without welcoming the entire office to have their tenth twofold chocolate cut of the month. On the off chance that the birthday individual is to a greater degree a wellbeing nut, she additionally suggests making a watermelon cake or a natural product bunch instead of a treat. Moreover, she notes choosing cupcakes can give harm control, since you have increasingly decision over your portion.Make your office a no-liquor zone (or if nothing else offer nonalcoholic options)Blame it on Psychos, the pressure of extra time or the rise of the startup culture that is bringing specialty lager into the workplace kitchen, yet liquor and work appear to be equal in m ost work spaces. Furthermore, hello, while it's very an advantage to have the option to air out a chilly one or set out a glass of your go-to red vino, when you reliably wind up drinking at your work area when 5 o'clock rolls in p.m. - on account of the support of your work space mate - those additional calories will include… fast.This is the point at which a discussion with your activities chief might be your best strategy, as indicated by Swinney. Approach the point as a trite-yet evident strategy of a commendation sandwich, beginning with how thankful you are of everything they do to keep the workplace loaded. At that point, notice how more beneficial alternatives would help improve profitability and offer a more affordable course for the individuals who can't state 'no' to cycle two. Inquire as to whether they will furnish shimmering water with have lime and orange cuts, or unsweetened frosted tea with new mint, Swinney says. Along these lines, in any event, when your associat e snatches a lager, you can go along with them in 'drinking' regardless of whether it's liquor free.Find another thing to do with your collaborators during glad hourBefore you give yourself excessively hard of a period, Swinney reminds us moderate drinking â€" particularly wine! â€" can be useful to our drawn out wellbeing. The main issue is that center ground may feel diverse for everybody: two beverages for you may feel like what could be compared to four for your office BFF. As characterized by nourishment specialists, 'moderate' drinking implies one to two beverages for every day. Be that as it may, at an after-work party time, where everything is half-off, solid and consummately satisfies your pressure? Odds are thin you'd stop at number two. After work party time can regularly mean more beverages, just as beverages that pack on a ton of calories. Extra the bar food that will undoubtedly follow along, and you have an eating regimen fiasco, she says.The answer for your day by da y welcome outside the workplace dividers is to help support your kinship without it being about liquor. With 'sweat-filling in' as an ever-developing pattern in the expert scene, Swinney proposes a mutual exercise class, a bicycle ride or a climb, in case you're close to trails. What's more, hello, if your buddies isn't generally into wellness? There are different alternatives that get up your pulse and don't put weight on you. In any event, going out on the town to shop would get you some activity and help with pressure. Dynamic alternatives that work for pressure help and for improving wellbeing, she says.When all else comes up short, request a fake tiniBeing the only one not drinking at the month to month corporate party time can make you hang out in the ocean of cocked eyebrows (or bring up issues about your family arranging status, in case you're a lady.) If you're really attempting to improve your wellbeing scores, lose some weight or only need a break from liquor, Swinney say s there's a method to cunningly stay away from really drinking, while at the same time seeming like you are a piece of the group. She suggests topping yourself off with an apple directly before you head out and making a settlement with the barkeep to continue giving you shimmering water with lime for the evening, making it seem as though you're having a vodka tonic.If you approve of one beverage, she recommends a lower-liquor blend like a wine spritzer, a well-drink or an eating regimen soft drink with a fix of alcohol. She additionally says to down as much water as possible, while will likewise cause you to feel progressively satisfied and more averse to go after another glass â€" or the singed food canapés your manager charged to his organization credit card.Volunteer to bring the sound alternativesWhen you see free breakfast on your schedule, it's an alleviating approach to start your TGIF workday. In any case, at that point upon appearance you just notification greasy, sugar-fi lled biscuits and fatty bagels with cream cheddar, you're likely expeditiously baffled in the choice. Swinney clarifies carbs - particularly super-sized ones like these morning meal top choices - can add on the pounds, spike your glucose and leave you starving a couple of hours after the fact, since they offer practically no dietary advantages. With nothing else left to crunch on, you may end up stuck between a chocolate chip biscuit and an everything bagel, with no nutritious choice to turn to.Again, converse with your director about an alternate arrangement by proposing savvy approaches to offer a complimentary week by week breakfast, without the superfluous lighten. Acquire an electric frying pan and cook some over-simple eggs. With two or three bundles of entire grain English Muffins or some heated tostada shells and avocado and some organic product as an afterthought, you have an a lot more advantageous, keep you going all day breakfast, she shays.