Saturday, December 28, 2019

Examples of Third Person Writing From Classic Fiction

Examples of Third Person Writing From Classic FictionExamples of Third Person Writing From Classic FictionIf youre still a little confused about what the third personwriting looks like in fiction, study these classic examples and examine how each author handles point of view. Examples of Third Person Writing From Classic Fiction Jane Austens clear prose provides a perfect sample of the third person. ThoughPride and Prejudiceare very much Elizabeth Bennets story, the narrator is not Elizabeth Bennet. I or we would only occur within quotations When Jane and Elizabeth were alone, the former, who had been cautious in her praise of Mr. Bingley before, expressed to her sister how very much she admired him.He is just what a young man ought to be, said she, sensible, good humoured, lively and I never saw such happy manners so much ease, with such perfect good breedingHe is also handsome, replied Elizabeth, which a young man ought likewise to be, if he possibly can. His character is ther eby complete. We can find a mora recent example of the third person inJoseph HellersCatch-22. Again, though its Yossarians story, he isnt telling the story to us. Note thedialoguetags (e.g., he answered and Orr said.) In the third person, youll never landsee I said or we said. What are you doing? Yossarian asked guardedly when he entered the tent, although he saw at once.Theres a leak here, Orr said. Im trying to fix it.Please stop it, said Yossarian. Youre making me nervous.When I was a kid, Orr replied, I used to walk around all day with crab apples in my cheeks. One in each cheek.Yossarian put aside his musette bag from which he had begun removing his toilet articles and braced himself suspiciously. A minute passed. Why? he found himself forced to ask finally.Orr tittered triumphantly. Because theyre better than horse chestnuts, he answered. Finally, contrast these with thefirst-personexample fromMoby-Dick. In this case, the story is told by Ishmael, and he speaks directly to the reader. Everything is from his perspective we can only see what he sees and what he tells us. Thedialogue tags, of course, vary between I said, when Ishmael is talking, and he answered, when the other person speaks. Landlord said I, what sort of chap is he does he always keep such late hours? It was now hard upon twelve oclock.The landlord chuckled again with his lean chuckle, and seemed to be mightily tickled at something beyond my comprehension. No, he answered, generally hes an early bird airley to bed and airley to rise yea, hes the bird what catches the worm. But to-night he went out a peddling, you see, and I dont see what on airth keeps him so late, unless, may be, he cant sell his head.Cant sell his head? What sort of a bamboozingly story is this you are telling me? getting into a towering rage. Do you pretend to say, landlord, that this harpooneer is actually engaged this blessed Saturday night, or rather Sunday morning, in peddling his head around this town? A trick to ensure that you are consistently using third person narrative in a piece of fiction is to do a complete read-through only paying attention to the point of view.Remember that third person writing can be limited or omniscient.

Monday, December 23, 2019

Overachieving Manager Puts 110% Into New Resume

Overachieving Manager Puts 110% Into New ResumeOverachieving Manager Puts 110% Into New ResumeOpsLadder member Leshia Evans had herbei first resume makeover in 20 years. A professional rewrite let her numbers speak for themselves.Leshia Evans hadnt needed a resume for more than 20 years. Loyal to her company, she never needed to look for a job.Evans, of Cumming, Ga., has worked in the electrical industry for 30 years, the brde 20 of them at a global engineering company with annual revenues of $110 billion. Evans started there as a regional engineer and left the company as a senior commodity manager when she was laid off earlier this year.Her old resume needed to be recharged and modernized.The OpsLadder member tried including a summary section that read more like a cover letter, she added pages of testimonials and references from former colleagues, and she embedded her photo in every copy of her resume.What she didnt know Each of those are grounds for rejection.Either by an impatient human recruiter or an automated applicant tracking system (ATS), these formats are unacceptable. ATS software frequently dismisses long resumes and embedded images, said J.M. Auron, a certified professional resume writer who works with Ladders resume-writing services and helped Evans update her document. In addition, many human-resources professionals are instructed to reject resumes submitted with photos to avoid claims of discrimination.She hadnt written a resume in 20 years, said J.M. Auron, the resume writer who worked with Evans. She hadnt looked for a job in 20 years. (She) had no need to even think about writing a resume in 20 years because of an extremely stable job history.Auron did away with the photo, the references and the summary, and he immediately set about crafting a document that brought to life an impressive array of performance numbers throughout a long career.Back in the huntEvans is looking for a job similar to the one she had before she was laid off a senior c ommodity manager in the electrical, power, or oil and gas industry. A commodity manager produces quotes, plans and spec reviews negotiates and strategically aligns the commodity with technical support, risk management, industry and technology trends, she said. Also included in this position is supplier management and reporting.Auron began using Evans summary statement to paint a compelling portrait of an overachiever.She never missed a quota in 20 years, Auron said. In the last 10 years, she has been between 30 percent to more than 100 percent over quota, he added. So writing a resume for someone like her was a piece of cake. You just work with the numbers.Indeed, as one of the subsections in Evans updated resume noted she dramatically exceeded targets year over year. From 2000 through the third quarter of fiscal year 2009, Evans performance ranged from a low of 131 percent to a high of 203 percent of her goals.He also dropped the long, conversational summary, which might have been confused with a cover letter.Evans original resume beganStrategic purchasing of medium and high voltage switchgear 2.4kV to 800kV for the Strategic Industries Division, Power Systems Division and the Technical Service Division throughout the US.Aurons revised versionBusiness and product savvy professional with more than two decades of experience slashing costs, and developing long-term customer and vendor relationships. Talented technical commodity manager with in-depth, diverse technical knowledge of electrical power and distribution commodities, and application and procurement of MV/HV engineered equipment for large project jobs in the Metals, Paper, Water, Mining, Oil Gas, International and Service Solutions industries.Aurons new version emphasizes what Evans says is her greatest strength Exceeding goals.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

How to master the art of focus and concentration from a legendary archer

How to master the art of focus and concentration from a legendary archerHow to master the art of focus and concentration from a legendary archerAfter four painful years of training in archery, Herrigel had grown impatient with his lack of progress, and welches on the verge of quitting.Four years prior (during the 1920s), Eugen Herrigel, a German professor, took a leap of faith and moved his entire family to Japan, in hopes of learning the Japanese tradition of Zen in Archery.Herrigel had everything planned out hed teach philosophy at the University of Tokyo and master the art of archery within a few years.And after much protesting and pleading, Herrigel convinced the legendary Japanese archer, Master Kenzo Awa, to take him on as a pupil in Kyudo, the Japanese martial art of archery.Like most people who pursue a new goal, Herrigel was excited, highly motivated and a tad bit overconfident in his archery abilities.But as the years passed by, Herrigel struggled to improve at his desired pace (in fact, for years he was only allowed to shoot at a roll of straw rather than a target) and he began to lose his focus and motivation.One day, in his fourth year of training, a frustrated Herrigel grumbled to the Master that his stay at Japan was limited and time was running out.The Master calmly replied, The way to the goal is not to be measured Of what importance are weeks, months, years?Herrigel nodded and made a resolution that hed stop worrying about his goals, and shift his entire focus to practice instead.Day in and day out for months, Herrigel would plattl up his bow and arrow, and shoot. It didnt matter how motivated he felt, or how badly he missed his targets, hed still show up to practice.And then one day, Herrigel received a special invite from Master Kenzo, to participate in the final archery test hed spent the last five years training to pass.During a spectacular ceremony, in front of a large crowd, Herrigel tuned out all distractions, and effortlessly executed on the test exercises, just like hed practiced over the years.A short distance away, Master Kenzo smiled like a proud father, walked up to Herrigel with a diploma and said to himYou have now reached a stage where teacher and pupil are no longer two persons, but one. You can separate from me anytime you wishI need not ask you to keep up your regular practicing.Herrigel was relieved. His hard work had paid off and hed finally achieved his goal. But, this couldnt have been possible without the help of Master Kenzo, who taught him how to master the art of focus.Heres what Herrigel learned aboutmastering the art of focus and concentration during his 5 years spent with Master Kenzo Awa.Master Kenzos effortless focus and concentration in action. By unknown photographer. (Image Source Henry and Nancy Rosin Collection of Early Photography of Japan)Aim without aimingThe right art is purposeless, aimless The more obstinately you try to learn how to shoot the arrow for the sake of hitting the goal, the less you will succeedWhat stands in your way is that you think that what you do not do yourself does not happen, exclaimed Master Kenzo during a lesson.At the time, Herrigel couldnt make any sense of this. He thought how can you hit a target without aiming at or focusing on it?For a few months, Herrigel practiced shooting without taking aim, but most of his shots missed the target. And he was becoming increasingly frustrated.One day, Herrigel complained to Master Kenzo about his failure to hit the goal, the Master replied, I binnensee the goal as though I did not see it. Herrigel had had enough of the Masters unsatisfactory responses and blurted out, Then you ought to be able to hit it blindfoldedMaster Kenzo slowly turned his head towards Herrigel and in a firm tone said, Come to see me this evening.That evening, Herrigel met the Master at the practice hall. Very few words were exchanged.Master Kenzo slowly bent over, picked up his bow and arrow, walked up to a spot, spre ad his legs in a ceremonial fashion and took aim at a target in pitch-dark.Within a few seconds, Herrigel heard two quiet thuds. He sprung off the floor and swiftly rushed to switch on the lights.To his amazement, Master Kenzo had hit the target straight in the middle with both shots without being able to see it.It was on that day that Herrigel learned an important piece of wisdom from the legendary archer on mastering the art of focus and concentration, that isDo not focus on the goal, focus onZanshininstead.Master the relaxed art of ZanshinZanshinis a word used in Japanese martial arts to refer to a state of relaxed alertness.The literal translation ofZanshinmeans the mind with no remainder. It describes a state of mind when there is complete focus and awareness of the body.During his early lessons with Master Kenzo, Herrigel struggled to achieveZanshin.Each time he picked up the bow, hed use considerable force to bend it, his hands would tremble, and hed run out of breath.One day , whilst Herrigel was drawing the bow in his usual tiresome fashion, Master Kenzo calmly said to him, Relax..You cannot do it..because you do not breathe right. If it is done properly, you will feel the shooting becoming easier every day.Herrigel took note, but didnt yet understand the profound wisdom of the Master.A few months later, Herrigel lamented that hed tried tirelessly to stay focused and relaxed, but couldnt do so. The Master replied, Thats just the trouble, you make an effort to think about it. Concentrate entirely on your breathing, as if you had nothing else to doAfter a year of trial and error, Herrigel finally learnedhow to stay focused, draw the bow and release it, in a completely relaxed manner.He mastered the art ofZanshinand achieved his goals as a by-product.In his book,Zen in the Art of Archery(audiobook), Herrigel describes the details of his story and explains howZanshinled to his significant improvement in archerySo that was it not a technical trick I had tri ed in vain to pick up, but liberating breath-control with new and far-reaching possibilities.Herrigel didnt focus on his goals or even his knowledge, he just focused onZanshin,and this enabled him to focus on a task at hand, despite a million and one distractionsThe more one concentrates on breathing, the more the external stimuli fade into the background.Therein lies the secret to mastering the art of focus and concentration.The more relaxed the state of our mind and body, the more likely well stay focused, avoid distractions and achieve our goals in the process.Its so simple, yet so profound.Focus on ZanshinIn the seventeenth-century, legendary Zen master, Takuan Soho, suggested that the difference between a beginner and Master swordsman isnt skill or knowledge, but focus.Whilst the beginner swordsman focuses on his goals and overthinks how he can best hit his opponent, the Master swordsman is completely detached not only from the opponent, but also himself.The Master swordsman in tentionally shifts his focus away from the goal, towards his body and mind in a state of relaxed awareness that isZanshin.Its from this place ofZanshinthat the master swordsman effortlessly focuses on a target and achieves his goals, even when he cant see the target.And two hundred plus years later, the legendary archer, Master Kenzo Awa, successfully passed on this ancient wisdom ofZanshinto Herrigel.By shifting our focus away from the outcome and towards the process, we can significantly improve the odds of achieving success in whatever we do.The next time youre struggling to stay focused on your work, relationships, health or finances, just remember this forget the goal, aim without aiming andZanshin.P.S.If youd like to learn practical strategies to help you master the art of focus, eliminate distractions, shave up to 10 hours off your workweek and get important things done, check outThe Art of Stress-Free Focus Seminar.Mayo Oshin writes atMayoOshin.Com, where he shares the best practical ideas based on proven science and the habits of highly successful people for stress-free productivity and improved mental performance. To get these strategies to stop procrastinating, get more things by doing less and improve your focus,join his free weekly newsletter.A version of thisarticleoriginally appeared atmayooshin.comasZanshin How to Master the Art of Focus and Concentration From a Legendary Japanese Archer.FootnotesThe power of proper breathing cannot be overstated for breaking bad habits and developing the willpower to resist distractions.Rarevideo footageof the traditional Zen archery.

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Video games how playing them can help you succeed at work

Video games how playing them can help you succeed at workVideo games how playing them can help you succeed at workPlaying video games can seem like the oppositeof working. What do imaginary worlds where you beat levels, complete quests, and slay dragonshave to do with the real grind of ur day-to-day jobs?In fact, video games are great strategic training in requiring us to think about how we can rise to the next level, they offer important lessons in choosing and advancing our careers.Ladders spoke to Steve Kamb, the founder of Nerd Fitnessand the author of Level Up Your Life about how video games can help us get ahead at work.Ladders What can video games teach us about success?Kamb Success is notlage just money in your bank account. It means that youre working on something that youre excited about and that shows youre making progress. In a video game, every time you pick up a controller or hop into a game world, you are trying to advance to the next level or youre fighting a slightly more challenging boss.You get really addicted to the process of making progress. Its called the progress principle. The same is true when it comes to your career.Are you working on something that is challenging to you and that youre excited about? Can you find a way to create a ordnungsprinzip that shows that youre advancing?Why is the act of leveling up so powerful?If you dont have a particular goal that youre working toward, its very easy to become comdistributions-mixnt and get stuck.Far too many people end up looking back years later and saying What happened? It seems like just yesterday that I had these ideas to do and try things.In any video game, there is always a very specific thing that youre working toward. It might be to defeat abad guy, or reach the end of a certain level in a certain amount of time, or save the world from a zombie apocalypse. You know exactly what you need to do to win.But you dont just start the game and all of a sudden beat it. There are a series of tiny steps between you and that end goal. You always know what youre working toward next.When it comes to your career, your personal finance, your fitness, you have to create those levels for yourself.If youre looking for a new job, it might be that every day you have to apply to at least one new job. Or every day youre going to set aside X amount of dollars to eventually quit your job and start something new.You have to have a specific goal and put levels in place as mile markers to show that youre moving in the right direction.It can be easy to get immersed in video games. How can we find that in our jobs? In a video game, if its something that you enjoy and you are seeing progress, its easy to lose track of time. Three hours can fly by in no time.At work, three hours can sometimes feel like two and a half days.Theres a concept called flow, which is the idea that you can get yperit in an activity. Just like in a video game, when youre at work and you can show that youre making dec isive specific progress on a project, it becomes a lot easier to get immersed in it.It comes down to the type of projects that youre picking. It should be something that you are interested in and that you can show you are learning or making improvements.The more you can identify things in your work life that allow you to get lost in them, the more likely you are to become successfulbecause you are working on things that bring you to life.How important is a sense of beating an adversary? I dont want to equate an evil bad guy with your evil boss.The bad guy is the part of you that says, this is good enough, or the part that makes an excuse as to why you havent gotten a promotion or why your work isnt getting done on time.Each of us hasan internal boss battle that, regardless of how successful weare, wehave to face.Its also fun to create a dragon to slay. For some people, that might mean slaying a debt dragon. Say theyre $20,000 in credit card debt. Every day at work is no longer just going to their job. Its about building up artillery (aka money) that they can then use to defeat the debt dragon.In addition, you could imagine that an organization is working behind the scenes to hold you down. It helps to put a face on negative thoughts.I use that as an angry motivation. That group, whoever they may be, is trying to keep me down. Im going to fight against it. Im going to dig deep and get more resilient and put levels and systems in place so I can systematically prove that bad guy wrong.So can we justify taking video-game work breaks during the day? I think so - if you do it right.When I was at a job that I disliked, and I was out of shape and didnt like my social life, I used video games as my escape. Other people might binge-watch Netflix shows or escape into a series of books. These are ways to not address the problems in our lives.These days, my life is in a much better place. Ive built a company, and I work with coworkers that Im excited about on projects Im excited about. Now when I play video games, its not because Im trying to escape my regular life. I use them for entertainment.Throughout the day, if someone needs to take a quick break and reward themselves with five minutes of playing Candy Crush or scrolling through Instagram after having a really successful, focused 25 minutes or an hour of getting work done, thats great.The problems come when youre spending five minutes every 20 minutes to play Candy Crush or you incessantly check your phone because youre bored and disengaged at work. Thats a sign to show you that youre not interested in what youre doing and should start searching for something new.When you find a job where youre engaged and lose track of time, you wont even have time to play video games.

Monday, December 9, 2019

Top Cashier Duties Resume Secrets

Top Cashier Duties Resume Secrets Cashier Duties Resume - Dead or Alive? The sound level in the job environment is usually moderate. The fundamental duties of a cashier also want a high degree of efficiency and accuracy. Communication and computer handling skills are also rather important in regards to cashier resume. Must have the ability to carry out different duties as assigned by store administration. You cant what can arrive in. Find all of the action verbs you require, here. Opening and closing duties might count on the period of day that the cashier works and the issues that come up at the individual warehouse. The capacity to work well under pressure and keep up a high degree of power and enthusiasm are also qualities that the absolute most successful Retail Store Cashiers demonstrate daily. Volunteer work also needs to be added as a means to place your interpersonal abilities and initiative on display. Professionalism and friendliness are really valuable, as is f lexibility and willingness to have a wide range of tasks. Experience gained and strong work performance might increase pay rates with time. Both buy and refund cashiers are accountable for their register from the beginning of their shift until the end. Costco cashiers have the extra job of processing membership cards at the beginning of each buy and answering any prospective customer questions about memberships. The Walmart cashier needs to be prepared to work at quite quick pace, particularly during holiday sessions when people would have more time to binnensee the store. Supermarket cashiers scan or enter the cost of all items at the register as a way to establish the sum of money the customer owes. The Principles of Cashier Duties Resume That You Will be Able to Benefit From Starting Today Youve got a weekly schedule, and that means you understand what youre likely to do that day. All the questions which he asks you are things that you could experience. When youre sear ching for a job for a gas station cashier, you stand a possibility of being hired even if its the case that you dont have a great deal of experience. Just be certain to have time. Cashiers should be able to stay calm when interacting with customers. General cashiers deal with large amounts of money daily, so they have to be honest employees who complete transactions in an efficient way.If you wish to employ a cashier when possible, Monster can provide help. The bank teller resume can help you develop your very own powerful resume. From small to big-box retailers, youre discover employers which are hiring. Also, tell the work seeker what you must provide new employees that force you to stand apart from different businesses. The skills section also tells what it is possible to increase the company for a cashier and not what youve been doing so long. If you observe our tips below, were confident youll win the interest of hiring managers of stores big and small. Cashier Duties Resume Ideas When you have reviewed our cashier job description samples and produced a work listing for your organization, take some opportunity to examine our interview questions for cashiers. There are not any formal education requirements to be a cashier. If you would like move up you are able to move into accounting position for an accountant, accountant supervisor etc by means of your education and experience. Finding a job as a supermarket cashier doesnt need schooling or any certification. So How About Cashier Duties Resume? Listing your skills is a significant beginning, yet to get hiring managers to actually pay attention, you want to give them proofof your abilities. The further skills section is a fantastic means to conclude your resume with some applicable skills. The skills ought to be modified slightly to ensure it is applicable for the particular job description. Job opportunities ought to be very good, primarily on account of the should replace the huge number of workers who leave the occupation annually. As a community outreach worker, the candidate is prepared to earn a lot of sacrifices with regard to private happiness. The candidate becomes involved with community affairs and assists residents that are in need. A community outreach worker candidate is someone who would like to enhance her or his community. Depending on the duration that he needs to spend in a certain community, the candidate has to be prepared physically and emotionally in dealing with a new group of people. Cashier Duties Resume Options Be sure to thoroughly read our cashier resume writing tips at the base of the page, too. When you wish to locate an extremely good resume assistance, you may simply follow our lead. A perfect selection intended for people with a good deal of experience who desire to get an excellent one-page continue design template.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Why Almost Everything Youve Learned About Resume Skills Grammar, Writing, Editing Is Wrong and What You Should Know

Why Almost Everything Youve Learned About Resume Skills Grammar, Writing, Editing Is Wrong and What You Should Know The Ultimate Strategy to Resume Skills Grammar, Writing, Editing Short, less complicated sentences are simpler to read. A number of the copy editors also write suitable headings and subheading for the issue and take many assignments on an independent basis. Therefore, youre askoranversd your document is in the ideal hands. You might delight in looking for resumes in your area. The Battle Over Resume Skills Grammar, Writing, Editing and How to Win It Resume proofreading is that which we do professionally to enable a huge number of individuals achieve the intended result and create their dreams come true. If you are searching for top essay writing companies, try out the mentioned above. So if youre willing to locate a new job and searching for resume editing online, send us a message, and get sure you are going to receive the finest possible service in time Eve ryone is able to write emails. If youre interested in writing content that is more technical in nature, you might specialize in turning into a technical writer. The best writers understand how to obtain their point across succinctly. Freelance writers have to be especially careful. If youre not an expert writer, you can find it challenging to make an efficient resume. Things You Should Know About Resume Skills Grammar, Writing, Editing If youre prepared to acquire more from your experience and get a better position, you require a professional resume. If, on the flip side, youre trying for a management job, you will want to demonstrate that youve got leadership experience. Your resume should find that response. Always be watching for the chance that your distinctive expertise could be relevant, because the customer may not think to ask. Finding the Best Resume Skills Grammar, Writing, Editing Written language skills are an essential part of many positions in nearly every business. If you own a college education, omit details about high school. A history of employment indicates to a possible employer that youre, in actuality, employable. Top Resume Skills Grammar, Writing, Editing Choices In some scenarios, it may include a summary at the very best dependent on the specifications in your nation or profession. Youve got experience and plenty of skills, but thats insufficient. If there are certain software applications utilized in your industry, be certain to mention them. Whats more, you might also have a valuable skill, but you dont have a concept of the way to fix it in your resume, the sample will be able to help you with that. Resume Skills Grammar, Writing, Editing - the Conspiracy The job of editing resume shouldnt be dismissed. The procedure for transcribing and editing can help you learn what things to do and what not to. You need to realize that the primary purpose of professional resume editing is to make sure that you represent al l of the information about yourself in the best way possible. Excellent editing still needs a human being. Hiring managers are more interested in candidates who put that excess amount of work and detail. Youve got to list the precise skills the employer wants. For this reason, youve got to be direct to find that job. Everyone can say he or she excelled at their final job. The standard jobs like law prefer the usage of chronological resumes. It is crucial to tailor your resume to the particular job or career of your pick. Things You Should Know About Resume Skills Grammar, Writing, Editing There are a number of essay writing services that think theyre the very best, and therefore dont be cheated and check the real collection of the very best. Writing and editing is quite a wide category. Research Skills As an expert writer, you might be called upon in buchen to write on topics you dont know a lot about. Writing and editing need a lot of interrelated abilities, and its t ricky to understand what to include.

Friday, November 29, 2019

New USAJOBS Search Features Now Available

New USAJOBS Search Features Now AvailableNew USAJOBS Search Features Now AvailableNew USAJOBS Search Features Now AvailableNew USAJOBS SEARCH Features Now AvailableNew information about Unique Hiring Paths and SAVED SEARCHESOfficial USAJOBS AnnouncementPosted by Kathryn Troutman, President, www.resume-place.comApril 11, 2017Dear USAJOBS User,Were excited to announce that has launched updates to ur site that are designed to help you to more easily find jobs that youre interested in and eligible for. Below please find an overview of the changes and actions you will need to take to update your saved searches.What changes can I expect?You can now search for jobs by unique hiring paths. The Federal Government offers many hiring paths to recruit and hire from different groups of people. We have provided hiring paths for individuals with disabilities, military spouses, students and recent grads, veterans, and Peace Corps and VISTA Alumni, to name a few. You can find a list of a ll our unique hiring paths on our landing page ( In this release, we have added hiring path filters to our search feature to increase their visibility and help you find jobs based on your eligibility (or eligibilities). Our goal is to help you identify the jobs youre eligible for and show you all opportunities available for you to consider. You can learn more about eligibility here https// can now use one or more filters to search by pay, department, work schedule, and more. As an additional benefit, searches results automatically update as you click on a new filter.We are making your job searches more intuitive by combining the basic and advanced search options into one search view, which will yield better and more relevant results. While the advanced search option will no longer be visible, you will mucksmuschenstill have the same search capabilities using the new filter options.We replaced our search technology to deliver faster and more relevant job search results.What will happen to my saved searches?Weve updated our search filters to improve your search experience. As a result weve archived all saved searches that were saved before April 8, 2017.If you want to continue to receive saved search notifications, you must create a new saved search, or unarchive an old saved search. To unarchive a saved search follow behauptung stepsSign into your USAJOBS account.Go to your profile and the Saved Search tabClick Archived any saved search made before April 8 will appear under the Archived link.Click the name of the saved search you want to unarchive.Click the Unarchive Search button this will move your saved search back to the Active Saved Search tab. into your USAJOBS account.Go to your profile and the Saved Search tabClick Archived any saved search made before April 8 will appear under the Archived link.Click the name of the saved search you want to unarchive.Click the Unarchive Search button this will move your saved search back to the Active Saved Search tab.Watch this short video describing how to unarchive a saved searchUntil you unarchive your saved searches or create new ones, you will not receive any saved search email notifications, nor will you be able to run them from Any links that let you view all search results from your saved search emails that were sent before April 8th will no longer work.We know it can be confusing to understand if youre eligible for a job or not. To help, weve added new search filters so you can more easily find jobs youre interested in. For example, we now have hiring path filters that can help you narrow your results based on your eligibility. We also made it easier to search by pay, appointment type, and more.We also removed some filters. If a saved search uses a filter that we removed, it wont include that filter when you run it. We encourage you to update your saved searches with the new filters to help you find all of the jobs youre eligible for.We designed the new filter options to help you more easily find the jobs youre looking for, so we encourage you to revisit and update your saved searches so that they are still delivering all the jobs that you are eligible and searching for. To update a saved search, please use the following instructionsSign in to your USAJOBS account.Go to the Saved Search tab.Click the name of the saved search you wish to update.Click the View Results button.The search will run and show you its results.Click Edit saved search at the top of the results page.Make your desired changes using the options in the right-hand side menus.Click the Save button.Click on the Saved Search tab to see your saved searches, including this one.You can also watch this short video on how to update your saved searchesWe are sorry for any inconvenience that these changes may cause in the short term, but we know they will ultimately improve your search experience.Can I still search for fe deral jobs during the hiring freeze?OPMs targeted approach to federal hiring is especially important during the hiring freeze, and the newest enhancements are another tool that USAJOBS is offering to help you find federal jobs that are a good fit for you. We invite you to explore these new features on USAJOBS and consider job postings that are not affected by the freeze.We are excited about the positive changes were making to USAJOBS and look forward to hearing your feedback, questions, and concerns here https// always, please check out our social media channels on facebook inc, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google Plus, and YouTube (links below) for job postings, tips, and training opportunities to help you find your federal career fit.Links to our social media channelsFacebook you,The USA JOBS TeamU.S. Office of Personnel Management1900 E Street NW. Washington, DC 20415

Sunday, November 24, 2019

How to Become a Lawyer Without Going to Law School

How to Become a Lawyer Without Going to Law SchoolHow to Become a Lawyer Without Going to Law SchoolIts possible to become a practicing lawyer without going to law school in some states. Most lawyers do attend law school, but there are some advantages to avoiding it if you can manage it. Youll avoid the high cost of law school and perhaps gain more on-the-ground experience shadowing a working lawyer. The History of Law Schools and Lawyer Careers Working as an apprentice in a law office was how fruchtwein people became lawyers in the United States centuries ago. The date of the first law school in the United States is debated, but the general consensus is that it was sometime during the late 1700s. We had lawyers before that time, however. Where Can You Become a Lawyer Without Law School? Pick your schauplatz carefully if you want to become a lawyer without going to law school. Only four states- California, Vermont, Virginia, and Washington- allow potential law students to ski p law school entirely. Three others- Maine, New York, and Wyoming- require some law school experience, but they allow an apprenticeship to substitute for one or two years of law school. Each states exact rules are different. In Virginia, for example, a legal apprentice cannot be paid by the supervising attorney. In Washington, they must be paid by the attorney. Requirements in Lieu of Law School An apprentice is typically required to work a certain number of hours in a law practice each week for a given number of weeks. Some hours must be spent under the direct supervision of an attorney, and a certain number of study hours are also required. The mentoring attorney must meet a minimum level of experience in all states, ranging from three years in Vermont to 10 years in Virginia and Washington. Legal apprentices in California are required to pass the First-Year Law Students Examination, or Baby Bar, to continue with their studies and sit for the actual bar exam. This exam is quit e difficult, has a very low pass rate, and is a formidable obstacle. The Advantages of Skipping Law School The most obvious benefit of becoming a lawyer through a legal apprentice program is avoiding the high cost of a traditional legal education, which most students finance with student loans. Of course, some of this cost can be offset via law school scholarships, but the harsh reality is that many law students graduate with more debt than they can comfortably pay back. This can limit their career options. Other potential benefits include learning law in the community instead of going away to school. Given that rural areas tend to face a shortage of lawyers, setting up apprentice programs in these locations can be a good way to keep ambitious local students in the community and working on local legal needs. Finally, its indisputable that the average legal apprentice will have more hands-on experience than most new law school graduates. At most, the average law grad has done one clinic and perhaps a handful of summer jobs, internships, or externships. Most of a students time is taken up with classes, particularly in the first two years. The Disadvantages of Skipping School Its critical to decide where you want to live long term before entering an apprenticeship program because you probably wont be admitted to practice in any other state. And potential clients and employers might be reluctant to hire anyone who didnt go to law school simply because its so unusual. Finally, the reality is that its hard to pass the bar exam without at least some law school experience. Although not impossible, the pass rates are low. Its risky to spend years as a legal apprentice if you never manage to pass the bar exam. In fairness, however, this is also an issue faced by students of non-ABA-accredited law schools and even some ABA-accredited ones.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Elisha Graves Otis

Elisha Graves Otis Elisha Graves Otis Elisha Graves OtisLittle is known about the early life of Elisha Graves Otis (1811 1861), the youngest of six children born to Stephen Otis and Phoebe Glynn in Halifax, VT. At age 20, he left home and moved to Troy, NY, where he made a rough living as a wagon driver and carpenter. However, due to chronic poor health he could not carry on such demanding physical work.From 1838 to 1845 Otis lived in Brattleboro, VT, where he constructed a gristmill and sawmill. Business welches slow so he returned to carpentry, building wagons and carriages well-regarded for their quality.At age 34, he moved to Albany, NY, and hired on as a master mechanic in the bedstead factory of O. Tingley Company. He quickly proved his worth by inventing an automatic turner that produced bedsteads four times faster than could be done by hand. During this three-year stint with the company, he also found time to invent a railway safety brake that could be controlled by the eng ineer.By 1852, Otis was living in Yonkers, NY, working for a company that hired him to convert an abandoned sawmill into a bedstead factory. A hoist was required to lift heavy equipment and machinery to the upper floor. Workers were reluctant to use hoists because they were regarded as unsafe and occasionally crashed to the ground if the cable broke. This new challenge motivated Otis to design and successfully test the first safety device for hoists and elevators.A model of engineering simplicity, the safety device consisted of a used wagon spring that was attached to both the top of the hoist platform and the overhead lifting cable, wrote Joseph J. Fucini and Suzy Fucini in Entrepreneurs The Men and Women Behind Famous Brand Names and How They Made It. Under ordinary circumstances, the spring was kept in place by the pull of the platforms weight on the lifting cable. If the cable broke, however, this pressure was suddenly released, causing the big spring to snap open in a jaw-like motion. When this occurred, both ends of the spring would engage the saw-toothed ratchet-bar beams that Otis had installed on either side of the elevator shaft, thereby bringing the falling hoist platform to a complete stop.Otis founded the Union Elevator Works (later Otis Brothers and Company) to commercialize this success. Business was slow, however, until Otis took advantage of an opportunity to display his invention at the 1854 New York Worlds Fair. At the New York Crystal Palace, while standing on top of a hoist suspended high in the air, Otis ordered the rope that was holding the platform to be cut with an axe. The heavy platform fell only a few inches before it was stopped by the safety device, electrifying the cheering crowd.This brief act of showmanship revitalized Union Elevator Worksorders came flooding in, doubling in number every year. Otis also invented several other key elevator-related devices, including a three-way steam valve engine that provided more precise contr ol of the elevator in motion. Other inventions in later years were a steam plow, rotary oven, and oscillating steam engine.Always nagged by illness, Otis died in 1861 at age 49 from diphtheria. His sons Charles and Norton, who had worked with their father on his inventions, took over the company and built it into a global giant. They installed an elevator in Pariss Eiffel Tower in 1889 and another in the Washington Monument the following year. In 1913, the Otis Company achieved a new feat by installing an elevator inside the 60-story Woolworth Building in New York City, at that time the worlds tallest building.fruchtfleisch Crawford is an independent writer.At the New York Crystal Palace, while standing on top of a hoist suspended high in the air, Otis ordered the rope that was holding the platform to be cut with an axe.